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  • According to Mehr news agency, citing Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, the “Corona Safe” spray was designed under the supervision of Dr. Jalaluddin Ghanvi, a lung specialist at Masih Daneshwari Hospital, and it was unveiled today, Thursday, May 9, at Dr. Masih Daneshwari Hospital.

  • Dr. Jalaluddin Ghanvi, the person in charge of the research project to transform surgical and cloth masks into masks capable of removing the corona virus, stated: Our goal is that the filter of these ordinary masks can eliminate or deactivate the corona virus.

  • He explained about the process of this project: What distinguishes the corona virus from other viruses is the corona virus or the S protein, which is our goal to destroy this point of the virus because by destroying it, the virus is practically deactivated.

  • This expert continued: For this reason, the structure of the corona virus was implemented and a molecule was designed based on this structure so that it can attack the S protein and destroy the virus.

  • He continued: In fact, we started to design a molecule that would destroy the corona virus by attaching it to the mask.

  • Ghanvi added: Considering the necessity of compatibility of this virus with the structure of the body, compatibility factors were studied and checked so that no problem would arise if this virus enters the body through different ways.

  • He also mentioned the durability of this molecule on the structure of the mask as one of the other challenges of this project and said: Fortunately, this success was achieved and after studying the biocompatibility of this molecule with the body, the designed polymers were placed on devices that can perform human breathing. simulated

  • Referring to measuring the compatibility of the molecule at different temperatures, as well as its adhesion to the virus, Ghanvi said: Each time this molecule is sprayed on a mask and other protective equipment, it lasts up to 8 hours.

  • He expressed hope that this product will reach mass production and enter the market.

Following this ceremony, Dr. Alireza Zali, President of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, said: Masih Daneshvari Hospital, in addition to its national status, has implemented numerous scientific and research programs that have turned its status into a transnational status.
He added: Masih Hospital and Research Center for Tuberculosis and Pulmonary Diseases has witnessed a valuable rise in the research and scientific fields, and this center is a distinguished and brilliant point in scientific, research and treatment services, which has been proposed as a point of reference in the fight against Corona. .
Zali reminded: these research successes are at a time when all the professors are busy in the front line of the fight against Corona, but they forgot about research activities in addition to treating patients.
Referring to the conditions of these days in Tehran, he added: Currently, Tehran is going through tragic and very difficult days due to the corona virus, and Dr. Masih Deneshvari Hospital provides very desirable and high-quality services to the people of Tehran in these conditions, and these efforts Scientific and research has made this center become a reference for protocols and treatment methods of covid.
The president of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences added: Today, the issue of using masks and protective equipment is still a very effective and cheap way and strategy to prevent corona virus.
He continued: This is despite the fact that the use of masks can still be effective even after vaccination and in a situation where we are facing mutations and mutations of the virus all over the world.
Zali emphasized: But with the method that we unveiled today, we can make normal masks very resistant and turn them into special masks that inactivate the corona virus, and we can take a much more effective way of combating it.
He reminded: Using this method, we will see a high level of filtration in the masks, which has been tested through laboratories and clinically, and the attachment of the virus to the mask and the role of this spray to remove the virus. It has been confirmed in laboratory and clinical studies, as well as in electron microscope studies.
Head of Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences, referring to the current situation of Corona in Tehran, said: “We have a bitter situation in Tehran, and the number of hospitalized patients due to Corona in Tehran has reached 8,300, and for the first time since the outbreak of Corona, within 24 Last hour we passed the mark of 1800 new infections.
The Commander of Corona Disease Management Operations in Tehran metropolis thanked and appreciated the efforts of all health and treatment staff and said: despite the increase in the number of deaths in recent days in Tehran, if we look at the increase in hospitalizations and the ratio of deaths to hospitalizations To measure, this ratio is currently 1.7, which is a very promising statistic that our death rate has not increased compared to hospitalized cases.
While appreciating the scientific and round-the-clock efforts of all the medical staff, Zali said: Since the first day of Corona until now, more than 93.7 percent of Corona patients who visited the hospital were fortunately treated and discharged, and the professors should be thanked for this. And to be the health and treatment staff who did great things to reduce mortality.
He added: “There are still many uncertainties in the world about the transmission of the corona virus through air particles, but some studies have strong evidence that a large percentage of these particles are transmitted through the air, and today’s scientific achievement can be very helpful in this regard.” .
Zali also asked the Presidential Vice President for Science and Technology to support this product for industrialization, considering that today the technology of making this product is in the hands of university faculty members and has passed many quality tests. Financial support for this project, the headquarters of the Presidential Vice President for Science and Technology should provide the necessary cooperation.
He also requested that necessary investments be made in this plan for industrialization. In addition to masks, this product can also be used on personal protective equipment and clothing and keep them safe from the virus entering the body.
Dr. Peyman Salehi, Vice President of Technology Innovation and Commercialization of the Vice President for Science and Technology, also said in another part of the ceremony: Responding to the urgent needs of the country in the field of technology is one of the main duties of this Vice President, and in the recent Corona crisis, this Vice President also maps the current needs. It has been designed and its achievements include the launch of numerous mask lines that were carried out with the participation of knowledge-based companies.
He considered one of the honors of this institution to be the fact that today we are the manufacturer and exporter of equipment such as bi-pep, ventilator and other equipment in the field of corona treatment.
Pointing to the acquisition of ventilator licenses by many knowledge-based companies and exporting them to some European countries, Salehi also stated about Spraysafe: Considering that in this plan, microcycles were discussed to absorb the corona virus, which is a new issue. It is scientific, the Vice-Chancellor of Science and Technology reviewed this plan and supported it due to the attractiveness of the plan.
He said: Our criterion for unveiling a product is to obtain permits from the relevant authorities, and this product has obtained both the relevant permits from the Ministry of Health and has recently obtained its production license, and therefore it is fully approved and supported by us. will be.
Vice President of Technology Innovation and Commercialization of the Presidential Office of Science and Technology added: In the commercialization sector, the Office of Science and Technology will provide all the necessary support.
Dr. Ali Akbar Velayati, the head of Dr. Masih Deneshvari Hospital, also appreciated the efforts and initiatives of Dr. Ghanvi and his team in another part of the ceremony.

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